What is the purpose of this document?
How was this document created?
The explanations and examples are taken from several books and created with the assistance of Coach Contribution. Coach Contribution has provided coaching services for 14 years to support organizational and individual growth. 400+ companies have been supported.
Who is this document for?
This document is for all members. Empowered communication is not a one-way communication from leaders to members. We all need to understand and practice it to empower each other. For now, let’s read it and take a moment to think about how we can empower each other through communication.
This document is an introduction to Empowered Communication. It is intended to get us thinking about communication. We will continue to create opportunities and programs to promote and implement Empowered Communication.
We recognize that this document does not cover everything. To communicate in a way that empowers each other requires personal learning and experience, as well as the creation of an environment and an organizational system. We hope to begin working earnestly with this document, fostering high motivation and growth.
Communication is not the only factor in motivation and growth. Other factors include whether the mission or goal is clear, whether you feel it is meaningful and want to achieve it, and whether the responsibilities are clear and commensurate with your specialty and career. We will enhance these factors as well.